Your eyes succulent

Match mine

Clear, bright

Like the stripes on my back

Where I come from tigers are protected

Zebras are adored

But on my body is woven

A pattern of their colors

Deep, black, bright

Like the pain of my neglect

Fresh are the reopened scars

Bobo grips my hand today

He loves the tigers

He adores the zebra

He asks what they mean

The pattern on my back

A rainbow of neglect has been laid

Like railway tracks

Interloping, conscious

I tell him

I don’t see how he sees the scars

The scars in my heart

I guess he sees the cry for redemption

Singing from the backs of his ancestors

I carry in my heart

A father speaks to his son about the incidences of racism and neglect which colour his life.

Sedo Elijah Ebinne is a Nigerian Poet and story teller. He lives with his four dogs in a cozy temperamental apartment that sings lullabies when it rains.A romantic, he attempts to fuse his passion for aesthetics and culture with varying themes he considers to be much more important.You can reach him @lettersfromsedo or