I have always been good at math but I just can’t figure out,
What is the equation that will turn less than into equal to?
Solving for x, plugging in variables for y.
Why is there a negative value placed on Black lives?
We are 3-dimensional human beings, worthy of addition.

I have always been good at music but I just can’t figure out,
What are the notes that will create a movement of racial harmony?
A chord from allies, a step down from white privilege.
Why are Black artists treated an octave lower than their work?
Take a rest from devaluation, crescendo Black artist appreciation.

I have always been good at science but I just can’t figure out,
What is the mix of compounds to achieve an anti-racism reaction?
Removing an acid, strengthening a base.
Why is it that fatal observations have not yet resulted in a solution?
The equality barometer needs to be recalibrated if we are to survive.

I have always been good at history but I just can’t figure out,
What are the archives that will change the social contract?
Sifting through artifacts, studying each era.
Why aren’t the racist norms of yesterday relics of the past?
True democracy means creating a dynasty of equality.

I have always been good at language arts but I just can’t figure out,
What is the punctuation that will make it clear that Black lives matter? 
A period, Black lives matter. An exclamation, Black lives matter! 
Why are the actions of anti-racism treated with a passive voice?
Actively stop being racist, admit to having privilege, and call out racism.

Math, music, science, history, language arts
What is the education that will teach these lessons to adults?
Some elementary here, some middle school there.
Why do we treat these subjects like they’re just for children?
It is clear so many adults still have much to learn.

“A Credit Shy was written from the mindset of being sad, overwhelmed, angry and confused about how we are still living in a society where anti-Black racism is still so prevalent. The idea that racism should not exist seems like such a simple, elementary concept, and yet, here we still are.