Moments of uncertainty are every second of the day
Though, you encourage my confidence to anticipate my grave
Why should I live with planning to die
And you Frolic Freely through time without questioning why
Yet you enjoy all that’s been gifted by our GOD in good sense
That of which is Color with hue, the beauty of our nature and existence with fuse
Though mine has been conditioned to be potential death sentence
I need to be seen and understood as your own in innocence, so friendly
I too want to Frolic Freely

Anxiety crushes the man I’ve come to solidify
Because if I don’t know the effect of last second
I can only testify my fear of you confusing me and trying to “fix it”
Then when the fuse has been rectified we all just forget what was trialed to be fixed
By metal we embrace through paper and pens chase
Your uncertainty causes me to lose face and focus on the blue dangers I see through “we”
I too want to Frolic Freely

Dedicated to every Black man and woman murdered by the brutal, careless actions and senselessness of our men in blue.

My poem “Frolic Freely” gives voice to the voiceless of the Black Community, who have been murdered at the hands of impulsively, senseless police officers in our country. As well as every young Black American who fear to frolic the streets of their nation just as White Americans have privilege to do. Dedicated to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade, this is “Frolic Freely”.