Paradis Perdu

« Paradis Perdu « is a three-week project directly inspired by the pandemic and the medical world. The circle of the characters is the fictitious representation of the virus which turns around the bodies, in a surreal and original environment. A universe of reality and also of surrealism. The drawings on bodies and walls show us a future project of a sublimated and possible life. The body of the model is a structure formal. Through my works in the series “Paradis Perdu” I explore the relationship between the human being and the confinement next to the virus which enters the minds and bodies.

Photography is the basis of Stéphane Vereecken‘s work. His classic studies in several academies of arts and in several artistic disciplines trained him in a multidisciplinary vision. He started making Polaroids. He drew and painted on Polaroids. He told the stories of the place or person photographed. He started exhibiting in galleries very young and exhibiting with artists like Araki, Dolores Marat, Paul Mc Carthy in Brussels at the Damasquine Art Gallery. Since 2019, Stéphane has been working on a square format. The process is simple. A skyline, the ground and the sky. He adds a photo projection, a projection of life, and drawings. This series is called – Hotel Mutation -.