purple Boy

Boy is black 

Boy stays on a mountain for a salt water 

Boy drinks hell because he is black

Boy cries

Boy walks like a drunken city among wars

Boy is tired of oppression,

Boy is a failing poem because he does not know how to break metaphors

into beauty 

Boy searches for life on a map – a map is drawn, 

he looks for where his home is. when he sees the mark

of his home, he draws like an african soup, 

his tears turn hot like sun. Boy goes 

into his siesta, buries his scars into a cold pillow

and fidgets like a broken bottle. 

Boy is an ocean – when he meanders, the bank of

his labour betrays his destiny. 

Boy wants to go home, but home to Boy 

is a lullaby of rustling oceans

Shitta Faruq Adémólá, Frontier XIV, is a 2021 SpringNG Writing Workshop alumni, a young Muslim Poet, budding French linguist, Phone Photographer and Fiction Writer From Nigeria. He is the author of a microchap “All I Know Is I Am Going To Be Beautiful One Day” (Ghost City Press, 2021), and Night Club With Dogs (INKspired) 2022. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Jalada Africa, Beestung magazine, Blue Marble Review, Serotonin, FERAL, Third Estate Art, Rigorous Magazine, Icefloe Press, and elsewhere. He is the winner of the Fitrah review poetry prize, 2021, the BKPW Poetry contest (February edition), 2022, a finalist for the BPPC June/July 2021 and tweets @shittafaruqade1.