I am Black But We’re Earthlings

I’m a rare breed.
Black is my colourful seed.
Dark and slavery my memory feed.
Hungry and strife my present breathe.
Rejected and wandering because of our leaders greed.

DNA of greatness,
Yet labelled a weakness.

Hard work and sweat from brow,
But a criminal because I’m brown.
My colour branded theft clown
My crime: I’m a black in town.
My fate is always to be gun down

Why should I pay
For my brother’s crime.
Why should I bleed in tears
Cause of the sin of colour.
I’m black yet I’m an individual

I’m from a great race.
And a united earthling with one face,
Towards the eternal grace.
Working together as we graze,
While we raise to heaven our gaze.

Our mind is smoking weed of hatred.
Many are drunk with racism and hate.
Billions spray the perfume of wickedness.
Four out of ten celebrate rape like birthday.
Moral decadence a big sickness than COVID19.

When I break the law treat me
Like a citizen who has sinned
And not the Satan you want to destroy.
Teach me to be responsible and great.
My black skin can also be good.

I’m black but we all bleed red.
We all posses the same essence.
Give me a fertile soil
Of peace and love.
My blackness will
Bear fruits of Happiness.
I’m black but we’re Earthlings.

Heaven or hell

Heaven or hell be not the judge.
Sentence not a soul to hell.
Give him no quick space shuttle to its maker.

I heard painful voices calling out.
Inscribing and labelling Floyd.
Upon him spell was case.

He was pour and smeared with
The sin and mistakes of his life.
Many call him a hero.
Few slash the spear of judgment on him.

Who is Floyd matters no more.
But lessons could be learnt.
Where he is now: God alone knows.

I sit with rolling tears dropping.
I wonder why we become God.
Killing and taking lives:
When we can’t even sustain ours.

He may be bad but he’s not a harden seria killer,
Who’s not ready to drop the gun.
He’s a criminal as you and I.

If you’re without a sin
Come let’s go to heaven
And cast the judgement
Of hell upon him.

Lessons I drink like morning tea.
Stay away from crime and sin.
Daily be the best coffee or tea to others.
But never give judgment of death.

Offer up prayers, love and smiles.
You could bring peace
Or you could hurt and leave many wounded.

Floyd you may have left some wounded/scarred,
But I know many enjoyed the good you.
My pain was how you left.
You weren’t given a chance to prove your innocence.

If truly you were a sinner
You deserve more time to change.
If the cops were God, they w’d have talked too you
And not knelt on you.

Jungle justice by the law!
Jungle justice by men on unifor!
None deserves such a life of quit notice.

Let’s heal our hearts.
Let’s train our kids to be disciplined and upright.
Let’s redraft our constitutions
Let’s embrace one race in multicolour

Who am I to judge Floyd.
I pray God forgives his sins.
Let’s repent and life a good life.
Let’s be the last to cast the stone of death
On any sinner.

God alone has the final punch
Let the angel of death do its work.
Be not his apprentice or intern.

Crime doesn’t pay
So too does jungle justice
Nor judgemental killings.

“The first poem, I’m black but we are earthlings, is all about how we are different in colour but share the same essence. We are one human race. We are earthlings and no colour is superior above the other. I’m black yet my blood is red like yours. I’m black means I deserve the fair share of good social care, justice or punishment when I err.
The second poem is in response to those who say Floyd deserve to die because he’s a criminal. I used this poem to explain that no matter his crime he deserve not to be given such a life quit notice. Everyone deserves a fair hearing and fair judgment no matter their crime.”

The author of this poem is Okon Ukeme Cornelius Dominic. He resides in Lagos Nigeria and has a BA in philosophy. He is a published author of three volumes of poetry collections with the Amazon: The Assent Ascent of the Soul, The Fountain of the Soul and Ride with me till the moon fades. He worked as a sport journalist with FLIPTV. He has some novels and nonfiction philosophy books down the pipeline to be published soon.