
after Sir Haggard

Night roofed kukunaland,
draped it for conspiracies

Seeking sanctuary in an abode in ruins,
Fatmatou lulled two famished sons into

the arms of sleep. A fiery figure 
scanned unlit rooms for his preys

She groped her sheep skin bag 
& pulled at the unsteady silhouette

An arrow ran through gagoul’s left breast 
& a cruel knight surrendered to nemesis.

Mohammed U. Yusuf is a young African poet, writer and editor from North-Central, Nigeria. His works have recently appeared—or are forthcoming—in Frontier Poetry, RoseyRavelston Books, Lunaris Review, The Shallow Tales Review, Round Table Literary Journal, Olongo Africa Journal, Konya Shamsrumi, Salamander Ink, Best New African Poets Anthology 2021, among others. He is a Staff Reader at Chestnut Review and an Associate Editor at Zoetic Press. He tweets @Unyomo.