A bird flies from your poem to my poem.

It is looking for the idea of sky

which is the only thing
above my house.

How beautiful, the idea.

I like to think the winds blowing into my heart
come from somewhere

come from your heart.

That these ideas extend
like a sea of innocent grass

where our ambitions sprint
massively like horses.

I have great ambitions 
when it comes 

to the idea of home,
which is the direction my ugliness

always points in,

which is my excuse
for everything.

Maybe you can understand.

I like to think these things.
I do not know. 

For all I know,

the sky
is a stone

tied to the very bottom
of the idea of flight.

Hua Xi is an artist and writer. Their poems have previously appeared in Electric Lit, Guernica and American Poetry Review.

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