such a small thing      brought us together
a shared delight      a galaxy an opening salvo
the connection between      us      blooming
and we are so different      except      when we
delight      in our shared joy      we remember
the power      held      in such a transient thing
and we live      our different      lives
cross oceans      and      land find a new shape
a self that      opens      to the world
waiting      for you to enter it      making
every day      become better      than yesterday
how miraculous      we still      share this

rebels never      give up
Star Wars taught us      this
differences      are to be celebrated
listen      to the world     singing
feelings     must not      rule you
hope      the fuel of light     and life
study art      spit fire      take leaps
of faith      find a family      discover
there will always be      good      in
you      this world   trust you can win
realize     surviving      is possible
recognize     each other      as kin

the fact that we’re still      friends
is exceptional      after all these years
you might expect      our fondness to      fade
beings      drifting      apart      is inevitable
yet you are      still here     together with me
in this life      we learn      the more we
grow      how is it      that we confront and
vanquish it    each time knowing more    about
each other      seems      like magic or
force      beyond      our understanding
it seems      we’re always learning more

witness     Luke     Leia     Han      our bright trio
incredible      they still shine with triumph
as they mature     and age into new
people     face new challenges      new choices
the bond endures      this almost-pact
fight a shared enemy     keep room to
finish      what was started      or leave it
trusting in good      always holding
what      we’re always learning      to use the
skills we carry      without      realizing
this knowledge     is what they gave us

Or View the poem here.


               with a debt to Ed Yong

There are no forests anymore, just bleak barrens—
               spikes in every direction. Without superior predators
               in the food chain, animals run wild, consuming with-
               out check or balance. The landscape has changed completely.
There is a point at which we must say, We brought this

               on ourselves. There is a point at which the needle passes
through the sun and tips over, heated past safety. There is
annihilation, which we should have planned for sooner.
Tell us again about the pale mush you had to tread. 
Tell us again about the white slush blurring sea and sky.
               Can you see the fractures? Can you see the fragmenting?

                              The landscape cracks and splinters before us
and the question becomes: what can I do? One small star in a sea 
               of lights, clutching at straws—letting go. I don’t know. 
All I can see is one by one, the stars 
                                                                           are going

Gretchen Rockwell is a queer poet currently living in Pennsylvania. Xe is the author of the microchapbooks love songs for godzilla (Kissing Dynamite, 2020) and Thanatology (Ghost City Press, 2020); xer work has appeared in Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Poet Lore, FOLIO, FreezeRay Poetry, Moonchild Magazine, and elsewhere. Gretchen enjoys writing poetry about gender and sexuality, history, myth, science, space, and unusual connections – find xer at www.gretchenrockwell.com or on Twitter at @daft_rockwell.